Thursday, January 12, 2012

B is for Ball and other stuff

This week school was abit more flexible. I haven't been feeling good and my back is still on the mend sooo, we skipped Tuesday and had school Wed and Thurs this week. Had to throw in the pics of Maddies bed head. I was so excited this week because I had found this great tutorial on how to make your own bouncy ball. So I planned to make Balls one morning and then paint with them. Well, the tutorial was a bust we tried 3 times and i finally gave up. Although Maddie seemed to thuroughly enjoy the substance that we did make=) We quickly moved on to coloring our B is for bouncing ball pictures. I have no pics from Wed. because it was very messy and Maddie insisted that I join in on the coloring fun. Next we read Maddie's current favorite book, A Bug a Bear, and a Boy at home. This book has a ton of the B sound. We ended our session singing the B says Buh song. Thursday went a bit smoother, we started our morning singing the weekday song and doing our calendar (this is a new thing for us).

 Keeping her from moving everything around when I am not looking is tough. I found various balls around the house and lined a tupperware with paper and primary paint colors. Maddie tilted it all around and really got into making the paitnings and mixing the colors. Of course as usual we had to do a bit of finger painting.

(I suggest using real bouncy balls or marbles with adult supervision, they roll better and don't get stuck)  Maddie at this point is covered in paint so we moved on to Bubble and water time at the sink. As you can see she had a blast. We ended the session with a bubble bath and some berries with Yogurt for lunch. It was a day full of B.

I was a bit aprehensive about doing B day as this is what my nursing child lovingly refered to the boob as. She would get sidetracked when I said the letter B and then told me she had little B's. lol So I guess we threw in a bit of human anatomy today as well=)

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