Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Little catch up

So, I am WAY behind on the ol blogging. I was trying to post all the hilarious goings on around here and have found myself able to get the shots, but not the time to blog and post them. I decided to at least get the Halloween photos up. This year Landon wanted to to be Harry Potter and I started back in July assembling his costume. He looked so much like Harry Potter that it was the talk of the trick or treat night. I am pretty sure by the end of the night Jared was ready to break Landons wand. It came complete with lights and sound. Who knew Landon would look so good with black hair. I decided that Maddie would be a 50's girl despite her wanting to be a princess. I figure this is the last year that I would have a say and she wouldn't know the difference. the good news is that she was wearing her 2 favorite things, big skirt and Pink. SO... she was happy. Maddie actually understood the process this year so she hung in there for longer than expected but really lost her nerve when a scary guy with huge horns came walking towards her. Daddy carried her for a while. The rest of the night was touch and go after that. Landon ended the night with his favorite part, eating candy and handing it out. Both kids were so hopped up on sugar it was a super late night, and an even grumpier morning. We survived it and had a blast.




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