Thursday, September 22, 2011

A week in review

So this past week so many funny things happened, but I have been so busy that I haven't had time to breathe let alone post. So today we play catch up. I started a kitchen remodel while my hubby was gone and its been a bit stressful(pics to come). Luckily My Dad and Donna came to visit and helped out a bunch!!! So lets see, I participated in the moms mart last weekend and sold a ton of stuff! WOO HOO!! I also picked up a few Christmas gifts and some other fun things for the kids. I got a grab bag of dress up clothes for Maddie which she felt she needed to wear all at once. I think she looks like the Pink Ladies version of a ballerina. lol  I had to force her to take it off every time we left the house.
Landon had a good week, or should I say great week. He got a birthday present early. Our neighbors wanted to get him this spark scooter and decided it made no sense to wait till Nov. when its cold and wet outside and he couldn't use it, so now they all have spark scooters. Our only concern is that they don't all spark at the same time and catch the grass on fire. =)
Maddie and I joined a moms group in Dayton and attended our first get together. We both had a great time and Maddie created some great fall art for the art wall at home. I look forward to going to these weekly events with her and making new friends. It was a good week, but a crazy one. I am one exhausted momma - now all I have to do is figure out how to be at 2 open houses at the same time and this week will be complete!
 P.S. did I mention I squeezed in a senior portrait session in all that? Whew it was a crazy week.


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